28 JANUARY 2019
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An impressive local consultation seeking feedback on changes to airspace and future runway operations at Heathrow has been launched by the airport as part of the run-up to the next stage in the expansion process. At various venues it runs as an exhibition until 4 March.
The consultation gives anyone interested the chance to have a say on three key areas, including how Heathrow designs its future airspace and the local factors that should be considered in different geographic areas.
The document also invites comments on how airspace should change to make better use of the airport’s existing two runways and local factors to be considered in designing new flight paths for arrivals on the runways.
Views on future operations for an expanded Heathrow are also being sought including how the airport would operate three runways in the future with regard to managing noise; respite through runway and airspace alternation, and directional preference and night flights.
Heathrow is hosting a number of events in communities around the airport at which members of its team will be on hand to answer questions. Details of where and when these meetings are being held are on the consultation website below.
All comments are filtered to exclude any excesses but the Editor does not have to agree with what is being said. 100 words maximum