14 JANUARY 2019


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Article from BTNews 14 JANUARY 2019

Crossrail – No opening date

Sir Terry Morgan, previous chairman of Crossrail, appeared before the Greater London Authority Transport Committee last Wednesday (9 January). This attendance was requested after he failed to attend the committee just before Christmas (See Khan v Morgan BTN 7 January 2019).

A weary-looking Sir Terry used the term “My understanding” when asked if he had stated to London mayor Sadiq Khan that there was a Crossrail opening date postponement. Khan had previously said “he understood” the exact opposite. A case of each side believing what it wanted to believe. 

The hour-long debate highlighted the complexity of Crossrail and in integrating the Heathrow Connect service. Also a train delivery delay, though 50 units have so far been delivered.

In a separate session Crossrail chief executive Mark Wild said he had expressed concern to the mayor last summer regarding the opening of the line, but no more. This was further backed up by London deputy mayor Heidi Alexander. When pressed regarding an opening date for the central system (known as part 3), Wild refused to commit to any timing, saying that he hoped to have news by the end of the first quarter this year.

The possible Silvertown for London City Airport station was not mentioned suggesting complicating a complicated matter.


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