25 JUNE 2018


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Article from BTNews 25 JUNE 2018

Gatwick details latest investment

Further details of Gatwick's new five-year capital investment plan worth £1.11bn (BTN 18 June) were announced last week amid predictions passenger numbers will grow to nearly 53m by 2023.

CEO Stewart Wingate said the airport needed to “grow sustainably” and improve its facilities to support increased traffic. The new plan means Gatwick will have invested £3.14bn in facilities by 2023 since it changed ownership in 2009.

Set for completion this summer is the South Terminal long-stay car park decking, providing 1,200 more spaces, while future projects in the new five-year plan include a western extension to Pier 6, beginning with enabling Pier 5 to handle the Airbus A380.

Other projects include a new domestic arrivals facility and baggage claim in the South Terminal, a mezzanine level extension in the North Terminal departure lounge to accommodate new restaurants.

Trialling is also planned for biometric self-boarding technology in the North Terminal, extending the roll-out of self-service bag drops across both terminals and redevelopment of the South Terminal’s hotel capacity.

Wingate said: “Gatwick is a major piece of national infrastructure, and our continued growth and ability to attract long-haul airlines is vital for the health of the UK economy, particularly in a post-Brexit world.”


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