18 JUNE 2018


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Article from BTNews 18 JUNE 2018

Aviation Club at the House of Commons

The Aviation Club’s new chairman Karl Brünjes was very busy on Thursday 7 June at the Institute of Directors. 

At lunchtime, he hosted 180 members and guests to hear Flybe chief executive Christine Ourmières-Widener outline the airline’s progress ahead of its delayed results tomorrow (Tuesday 19 June), and in the evening he spoke about the industry in general to 60 young aviation professionals, essentially on job prospects. 

Next up for the club is the annual Westminster reception taking place on the Terrace Pavilion  at the House of Commons on 11 July, where Brünjes will be joined by special guest speaker Richard Noble OBE.
Noble is a Scottish entrepreneur best known for his desire for speed, leading the Thrust2 programme which brought the world land speed record back to Britain in 1983 and subsequently the ThrustSSC project, a supersonic vehicle and current holder of the outright world land speed record. His other projects include the ARV Super2 light aircraft, the Atlantic Sprinter Blue Riband contender and Farnborough Aircraft, which was set up to create a point-to-point taxi aircraft.
As with all club events, members are welcome to bring guests. Early booking is advisable as tickets are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.


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