Backing from Theresa May last week for Britain’s continued involvement after Brexit in the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has been welcomed on behalf of the industry by Airlines UK chief executive Tim Alderslade.
“Airlines are clear that it is vital for the UK to continue membership of the EASA, with all EASA rules and regulations applied to UK operators and companies based here, and we’re pleased the PM has formally put this on the table,” he said.
“As she set out, there is precedent, as non-EU countries such as Switzerland are members of EASA and in return for paying in to the budget contribute fully to the technical working groups and policy committees and play an active role in rule-making.”
Alderslade noted the UK had always made a “substantial contribution” to EASA in people and funding, supplying around 50 members of staff and paying in more than €5m a year to the budget and was one of the biggest technical contributors.
“We hope and expect common sense will prevail and both sides will see there is precedent here and the UK’s future participation in EASA is in everyone’s best interests.”
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