12 MARCH 2018


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Article from BTNews 12 MARCH 2018

EU aviation talks ‘going well’

Despite reports to the contrary, Brexit talks over the future of UK airlines and air services are going well, aviation minister Baroness Sugg said at the Airport Operators Association (AOA) annual dinner last week.

She confirmed the government’s aviation strategy would support the industry and help it to be more competitive, prosperous and sustainable, with backing for, among other things, consumer issues and changes to UK airspace management.

She said more had to be done to address matters such as tackling disruptive passengers, reviewing the compensation process and providing support for disabled and elderly travellers.

There had to be improved engagement with local communities to explain changes and what the industry was doing to make best use of existing airspace and government and industry needed to work together to forge a new future outside the EU.

The minister added: “UK aviation is the third largest market in the world, and we want to continue being a competitive and leading global partner. That’s why our new Aviation Strategy will be rooted in partnership between government and industry.

“It will set out a new framework for a safe, secure and sustainable aviation sector, with the connections Britain’s economy will need to continue growing up to 2050 and beyond.”



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