19 FEBRUARY 2018
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Harvey Crush, a popular founder member of the Aviation Club, has suddenly passed away aged 79. He retired as a circuit Judge in 2001.
For 21 years the senior commercial litigation partner of a leading City of London law firm with a global practice, he is perhaps best known as lead counsel for many airlines in the days before ‘Open Skies’, with each route being fought over.
As a solicitor handling liability investigations and claims, he acted on aviation litigation in many jurisdictions worldwide. He acted for most of the leading UK independent airlines.
Harvey Crush was a private pilot with multi and IMC ratings and also a rally driver of high repute. He was a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, a past master of the City of London Solicitors’ Company, and past chairman of the British Association of Aviation Consultants.
He was married to Maggie, his second wife of 35 years. They had no children together but shared Harvey’s son and daughter and Maggie's son, producing six grandchildren with ages ranging from 21 to seven. He has had a long association with Mallorca, a place he loved dearly and where he thoroughly enjoyed his retirement and was a committed member of ESRA (the English Speaking Residents' Association).
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Ray Hankin, UK, but currently in Oman
Sad, indeed. I remember well his expert oratory at CAA licence application hearings in the '70s when I was the airline man on Travel Weekly. His occasional verbal brushes with first James Lawrie abd then Lord Boyd-Carpenter enlivened often dry and very dull proceedings. Hopefully, he's now getting reacquainted with the great and the good of those that he represented.