26 JUNE 2017


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Article from BTNews 26 JUNE 2017

Ryanair and ‘claims chasers’

A ruling by Liverpool County Court upholding Ryanair’s policy requiring EU261 cases involving “claims chasers” to be heard in the Irish courts has been welcomed by the airline.

The Liverpool hearing dismissed an application by claims chasing firm Hughes Walker to have the cases heard in England. Ryanair said the application was an effort to force more customers through the courts needlessly.

Cases involving UK “claims chasing” firms are heard in the Irish courts under a jurisdiction clause which has been part of Ryanair’s Terms & Conditions of travel since 2010.

The airline says this is solely to protect consumers and force UK “claims chasers” to discontinue what Ryanair calls their abusive practices of charging consumers up to 50% of their compensation payment.

However, the airline added, if an individual UK customer made an EU261 claim directly to Ryanair as required and the claim is rejected, that customer is free to pursue his/her claim in the UK courts if he or she so wishes.

“Customers with valid claims who claim directly from Ryanair will receive 100% of their EU261 compensation entitlement without the deduction of these excessive ‘claims chaser’ fees,” the airline added.


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