17 APRIL 2017


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Article from BTNews 17 APRIL 2017

AND FINALLY: Magic in the air

With onboard behaviour somewhat in the news, BTN is happy to hear of Turkish Airlines’ response to the age-old problem of persuading passengers to pay attention to safety briefings.

In a word (or two), it’s magic.

The carrier has recruited filmmaker and social media star Zach King to front its new inflight safety video with his signature sleight-of-hand tricks. It is a move that has the approval of Dr Gustav Kuhn, a cognitive psychologist and expert in the science of magic at London University’s Goldsmith’s College.

He said: “Magic is one of the oldest and most globally-relevant art forms, studied by psychologists and neuroscientists alike for its ability to involve and indeed engross an audience.  

“It’s exciting to see an airline tap into this reality, taking the modern inflight safety video in a whole new direction.”

The video can be watched on YouTube here:


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