13 JUNE 2016


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Article from BTNews 13 JUNE 2016

Gatwick pledge on new runway

A second runway at Gatwick could be operational by 2025 subject to a government decision on the matter by October and planning consent within this parliament, David Cameron was told last week.

In a letter to the prime minister, Gatwick chairman Sir Roy McNulty set out eight pledges he said the airport authorities were prepared to make which offered a “road map” to delivering a new runway for Britain.

Sir Roy noted that airport expansion has defeated successive governments for decades, mainly because of the environmental challenges of expanding Heathrow. 

However, the expiry of a 40-year moratorium on a new runway at Gatwick meant there was now a credible alternative. 

“Subject to a government decision by this October and the normal planning timetable, Gatwick gives an undertaking that its second runway will be operational by 2025 with planning consent granted within this Parliament,” Sir Roy wrote.

The letter also said Gatwick would require no taxpayer funds and gave other guarantees on air quality and caps on passenger fares and on the number of people most affected by noise.

Sir Roy concluded:  “The pledges we are making … guarantee that the UK's next runway can actually be built and operated legally so that Britain can grow. “


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Geoff Moore, Portland UK

As the airport has the land, the money, most of the public on-side and a crediable plan it seems that the Government should just let them get on with it! They are at near capacity so why not let them just get it built it would be an asset for all of the UK.Plus should there be any problems elswhere they could step in and accept diverted flights etc.
